Thursday, January 9, 2020

Concepts of Home and FamilyProgress in Home Economics Free Essay Example, 1000 words

The concepts of home and family comprise key components of home economics for a very long time. When home economics programs began to take shape in US economic and social climate was considered dull. To achieve sustainable and optimal living for individuals and community home economics draws from a range of other disciplines. While the historical contexts revolved around home and family, this extended in the 21st century to include wider environments in terms of choices, capacities, and individual priorities. Margaret Justin the 1929 president of AHEA said that there were two camps or movements in home economics in the US Western (land grant univ) and Eastern. Explain what she meant by this (20 Points)What Margaret Justin meant by this was that there were the land-granted universities as a result of the Morrill Act of1862 and the eastern which did not have land to be evaluated as soon as possible. The Act set aside land that was used to develop the institution of higher learning wit h a focus on home economics or family and consumer sciences, as the field was known then. We will write a custom essay sample on Concepts of Home and Family:Progress in Home Economics or any topic specifically for you Only $17.96 $11.86/page These conferences were very important for the formation of the American Home Economics Association (AHEA) in 1909. This was a professional summit held in Scottsdale, Arizona in 1993. It brought together the National Association of Extension Home Economists, part of American Vocations Association and the Council of Administrators of Home Economics.

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